DC to DC Converters

Derived from our reliable special-order DC-DC Converters – US Magnetics and Millennium Power Systems are now offering several standard catalog COTS DC-DC Converters for Battery Charger, Ground-support and Railroad applications. These programmable wide-range input converters are ideal for use with our TRU front ends – and are also suitable for UPS battery operation. These models use the same flexible communication bus module as our AC-DC Power Supplies, and are capable of integration into multiple system bus configurations. Listed below are several representative downloadable datasheets. Please bookmark this page, and watch for the upcoming release of more DC-DC models – and visit our News and Updates blog for announcements of the release of additional new catalog models!

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70DC02850 DC-DC / charger 35-75 Vdc 20-50 Vdc Adjustable; 1500W
74DC02850 DC-DC Locomotive PS 50-82 Vdc 12-50 Vdc Adjustable; 1500W